The Second Annual Epic Invitational Cup hosted by Gardenview Mortgage Corporation

Gardenview Mortgage Corporation was pleased to host its second annual golf tournament, The Epic Invitational Cup, hosted at Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility. We had a wonderful turnout and were happy to hear that everyone enjoyed themselves. Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to continuing the tradition again next year!

The First Annual Epic Invitational Golf Tournament hosted by Gardenview Mortgage Corporation

Gardenview Mortgage Corporation was pleased to host its first annual golf tournament, The Epic Invitational Cup, hosted at Woodington Lake Golf Club this week. We hope that everyone enjoyed themselves and we looking forward to hosting the tournament again next year and beyond!                          […]

Gardenview Mortgage Corporation Co-op Student Wins Work Term Excellence Award

Gardenview Mortgage Corporation is pleased to announce that Ms. Nidhi Shah was the recipient of the University of Toronto’s Management Co-op Work Term Excellence Award for her contributions in the role of Social Media Manager. Thank you Nidhi for your dedication and high quality work, and we wish you well in your future endeavours! Work […]

Gardenview Receives Home Trust Company Achievement Award

Gardenview Mortgage Corporation was pleased to be recognized by Home Trust Company for its success and partnership with them during the 2020 calendar year, by receiving their Partner Spire Achievement award. Congratulations Gardenview and thank you to Home Trust Company! We value our partnership and look forward to continuing business relations.