Learn about Gardenview Mortgage Corporation’s policy for addressing and resolving complaints. Your feedback matters to us, and we’re committed to providing excellent service. Attention- Daniel Stein, Principal Broker Gardenview Mortgage Corporation Email: [email protected] OR Fax 1-866-546-1084 35 West Pearce St. Unit #1, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3A9 Daniel Stein or Designate Shall act as the Chief Complaints Officer for Gardenview Mortgage Corporation. Upon receipt of a complaint from a Client, the Broker or Agent must promptly refer it to the Chief Complaints Officer, or Designated Broker, who will take immediate action to investigate and resolve the complaint, in accordance with Gardenview’s Complaints Policy. Should the complaint relate to a completed file, the Chief Complaints Officer will review the existing documentation on file. The Chief Complaints Officer will forward the complaint to the specific Broker or Agent for comment before responding to the Client. Should the complaint relate to a file in progress, the Chief Complaints Officer will immediately contact the Broker or Agent responsible for the file and will forward the complaint to them before responding to the Client. Gardenview Complaints Policy requires the Chief Complaints Officer to respond to all complaints verbally within 48 business hours of its receipt and to follow up with a written response as soon as possible. Should the Broker or Agent responsible for the file fail to fully cooperate, the Chief Complaints Officer will take all reasonable steps to deal with the matter. Should the complaint relate to a statute that exists in the Mortgage Brokerage Lenders and Administrators Act MBLAA 2006, the review will attempt to determine if the transaction was compliant with all relevant legislation. If a breach of the legislation is discovered, remedial action will be taken promptly, including sending a report to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRAO). Should the complaint relate to a potential claim against the firm’s Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy, the Chief Complaints Officer will notify the insurer of the potential claim as soon as possible. The Broker or Agent will cooperate with Gardenview and the insurer in all matters relating to the investigation or settlement of the claim. At no time will a Broker or Agent respond directly to the complaint. All responses will come from the Chief Complaints Officer or the Designated Broker. The Chief Complaints Officer shall keep a record of all written complaints received from the public and all written responses by Gardenview.COMPLAINTS POLICY
All Complaints Shall Be Sent In Writing As Follows: